18525528. Electronic Device With Near-Field Antenna Operating Through Display simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Electronic Device With Near-Field Antenna Operating Through Display

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Miroslav Samardzija of Mountain View CA (US)

Yiren Wang of Cupertino CA (US)

Yuehui Ouyang of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Joseph Hakim of Jacksonville OR (US)

Qingxiang Li of Cupertino CA (US)

Robert W. Schlub of Palo Alto CA (US)

Ruben Caballero of San Jose CA (US)

Siwen Yong of San Francisco CA (US)

Erik G. De Jong of San Francisco CA (US)

Electronic Device With Near-Field Antenna Operating Through Display - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18525528 titled 'Electronic Device With Near-Field Antenna Operating Through Display

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application for an electronic device with a display that includes various layers such as a display cover layer, a transparent inner display member, a display pixel layer, a touch sensor layer, a ferromagnetic shielding layer, and a flexible printed circuit containing coils of metal signal lines for near-field communications.

  • Display includes layers such as display cover, transparent inner display, display pixel, touch sensor, and ferromagnetic shielding layers.
  • Flexible printed circuit with metal signal lines for near-field communications is interposed between the ferromagnetic shielding layer and the display pixel layer.
  • Non-near-field antenna with a resonating element is mounted on the inner surface of the display cover layer.

Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in the development of advanced electronic devices with improved display capabilities and communication features.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the need for enhanced display performance, touch sensitivity, and communication capabilities in electronic devices.


The benefits of this technology include improved display quality, increased touch responsiveness, and enhanced communication functionalities for electronic devices.

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology could be in the manufacturing of smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other electronic devices with advanced display and communication features.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be the use of flexible printed circuits in electronic devices for signal transmission and communication purposes.

Unanswered Questions

How does the ferromagnetic shielding layer impact the overall performance of the display in electronic devices?

The ferromagnetic shielding layer helps reduce electromagnetic interference and improve the display quality by shielding the display pixel layer from external magnetic fields.

What are the specific advantages of using a near-field communications loop antenna in electronic devices?

A near-field communications loop antenna allows for close-range communication between devices, enabling faster data transfer and more secure connections compared to traditional antennas.

Original Abstract Submitted

An electronic device may have a display. A display cover layer and a transparent inner display member may overlap a display pixel layer. The display pixel layer may have an array of display pixels for displaying images for a user. A touch sensor layer may be interposed between the display pixel layer and the transparent display member. A ferromagnetic shielding layer may be mounted below the display pixel layer. A flexible printed circuit containing coils of metal signal lines that form a near-field communications loop antenna may be interposed between the ferromagnetic shielding layer and the display pixel layer. A non-near-field antenna such as an inverted-F antenna may have a resonating element mounted on an inner surface of the display cover layer. The resonating element may be interposed between the transparent display member and the display cover layer.