18477616. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (Japan Display Inc.)

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Organization Name

Japan Display Inc.


Jun Hanari of Tokyo (JP)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18477616 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a display device with multiple layers and components to improve performance and durability.

  • The display device includes a first substrate, lower electrode, rib with a pixel aperture, partition, organic layer, upper electrode, sealing layers, resin layer, second substrate, and adhesive layer.
  • The first sealing layer is made of an inorganic material and covers the thin film, organic layer, upper electrode, and partition.
  • The second sealing layer, also made of an inorganic material, covers the resin layer to protect the components.
  • The adhesive layer adheres the second sealing layer and the second substrate together for structural integrity.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in the manufacturing of high-quality displays for electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of protecting delicate display components from environmental factors and physical damage, increasing the longevity and performance of the display device.


The benefits of this technology include improved durability, enhanced display quality, and increased resistance to external factors, leading to a longer lifespan for the display device.

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology include the production of advanced displays for consumer electronics, medical devices, automotive displays, and industrial equipment.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be the use of similar sealing layers in display devices to protect internal components and improve overall performance.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing display device structures in terms of cost-effectiveness and manufacturing efficiency?

This article does not provide information on the cost-effectiveness and manufacturing efficiency of this technology compared to existing display device structures.

What impact could this technology have on the overall energy consumption of electronic devices?

The article does not address the potential impact of this technology on the overall energy consumption of electronic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

According to an embodiment, a display device comprises a first substrate, a lower electrode, a rib including a pixel aperture, a partition on the rib, an organic layer covering the lower electrode, an upper electrode covering the organic layer, a first sealing layer formed of an inorganic material to continuously cover a thin film including the organic layer and the upper electrode, and the partition, a resin layer covering the first sealing layer, a second sealing layer formed of an inorganic material to cover the resin layer, a second substrate facing the second sealing layer, and an adhesive layer adhering the second sealing layer and the second substrate.