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Organization Name



YU Shinohara of Sakai City, Osaka (JP)

MASAYUKI Iwamoto of Sakai City, Osaka (JP)

KAORU Tomishige of Sakai City, Osaka (JP)

HEATING COOKING APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18275690 titled 'HEATING COOKING APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The heating cooking apparatus described in the patent application includes a unique design that allows for efficient cooking and heating processes. Here are some key points to understand the innovation:

  • The apparatus features a heating cooking chamber with a slide rail and slide plate for movement control.
  • A lid portion is attached to the slide plate to open and close the chamber's opening.
  • A rotation shaft portion enables the rotation of the slide rail in a direction orthogonal to its movement.
  • The holding portion allows the slide rail to freely rotate with respect to the heating cooking chamber.

Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in various cooking appliances, such as ovens, grills, and stoves, to enhance their functionality and efficiency.

Problems Solved

This innovation solves the problem of limited control and movement options in traditional heating cooking apparatus, providing a more versatile and user-friendly cooking experience.


The benefits of this technology include improved cooking precision, enhanced user control, and increased efficiency in heating and cooking processes.

Potential Commercial Applications

The heating cooking apparatus could be utilized in commercial kitchens, restaurants, catering services, and home cooking appliances, offering a valuable solution for a wide range of cooking needs.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be traditional cooking appliances with limited movement and control features, lacking the innovative design elements described in this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing heating cooking apparatus in terms of energy efficiency?

The patent application does not provide specific details on the energy efficiency of the heating cooking apparatus compared to existing technologies. Further research or testing would be needed to determine the energy-saving potential of this innovation.

What materials are used in the construction of the heating cooking apparatus, and are they durable for long-term use?

The patent application does not specify the materials used in the construction of the heating cooking apparatus or provide information on their durability. Additional information or testing would be required to assess the longevity and quality of the materials used in this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

A heating cooking apparatus includes a heating cooking chamber, a slide rail, a slide plate, a lid portion, a rotation shaft portion, and a holding portion. The heating cooking chamber includes a plate portion disposed at the outer periphery of an opening. The slide rail extends along a first predetermined direction. The slide plate moves along the slide rail. The lid portion is attached to the slide plate and opens and closes the opening. The rotation shaft portion rotates the slide rail using a second predetermined direction orthogonal to the first predetermined direction as a rotation axis. The holding portion holds the slide rail to be freely rotatable with respect to the heating cooking chamber.