18079271. Coexistence with Wireless Power System simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Coexistence with Wireless Power System

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


David A Karol of San Francisco CA (US)

Ali Navrozally of Cupertino CA (US)

Lior Ben-yehoshua of San Francisco CA (US)

Zachary P Jasensky of San Francisco CA (US)

Coexistence with Wireless Power System - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18079271 titled 'Coexistence with Wireless Power System

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a wireless power system with an electronic device that includes a camera and wireless power circuitry. The device can alter the wireless power transfer operation to promote coexistence between the camera and the power circuitry.

  • The electronic device in the wireless power system includes a camera and wireless power circuitry.
  • The device can perform wireless power transfer operations with an external device.
  • To ensure coexistence between the camera and the wireless power circuitry, the device can modify the wireless power transfer operation.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries such as:

  • Consumer electronics
  • Surveillance systems
  • Automotive industry

Problems Solved

This technology solves the following problems:

  • Interference between the camera and wireless power circuitry
  • Efficient power transfer without disrupting camera functionality


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Seamless integration of camera and wireless power capabilities
  • Enhanced user experience with uninterrupted camera operation
  • Improved efficiency in power transfer operations

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology could be seen in:

  • Smartphones and tablets
  • Security cameras
  • Electric vehicles

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the development of wireless power systems in consumer electronics, but the specific alteration of power transfer operations to accommodate a camera may be a novel aspect of this technology.

Unanswered Questions

How does the alteration of the wireless power transfer operation impact the overall efficiency of the system?

The article does not delve into the specific details of how altering the power transfer operation affects the efficiency of the system. It would be interesting to explore this further in future research and development.

What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology on a larger scale in different industries?

The article does not address the potential challenges that may arise when implementing this technology in various industries. Understanding the obstacles and limitations could provide valuable insights for successful integration.

Original Abstract Submitted

A wireless power system may include an electronic device. The electronic device can include a camera and wireless power circuitry configured to perform a wireless power transfer operation with an external device. To promote coexistence of the camera with the wireless power circuitry, the electronic device can alter the wireless power transfer operation.