17958616. SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SD-WAN SETUP AUTOMATION simplified abstract (Fortinet, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Fortinet, Inc.


Robert A. May of Burnaby (CA)

SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SD-WAN SETUP AUTOMATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17958616 titled 'SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SD-WAN SETUP AUTOMATION

Simplified Explanation

Various embodiments provide systems and methods for automating an SD-WAN setup process.

  • Simplified Explanation:
  - The patent application describes systems and methods to automate the setup process of SD-WAN.
  • Potential Applications:
  - Network management
  - IT infrastructure automation
  • Problems Solved:
  - Streamlining the setup process of SD-WAN
  - Reducing manual configuration errors
  • Benefits:
  - Increased efficiency in network setup
  - Minimized human error in configuration
  • Potential Commercial Applications:
  - IT companies offering network management services
  - Telecom companies providing SD-WAN solutions
  • Possible Prior Art:
  - Existing network automation tools
  - Manual configuration processes for SD-WAN
      1. Unanswered Questions:
        1. How does this automation impact network security?

The article does not delve into the specific security measures implemented in the automated SD-WAN setup process.

        1. What are the potential limitations of automating the SD-WAN setup process?

The article does not discuss any drawbacks or challenges that may arise from automating the setup process of SD-WAN.

Original Abstract Submitted

Various embodiments provide systems and methods for automating an SD-WAN setup process.