17945950. ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH INTELLIGENT BOOT simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Wei He of San Jose CA (US)

Eugene Kim of Cupertino CA (US)

Guangyu Liu of San Jose CA (US)

Suhak Lee of Cupertino CA (US)

ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH INTELLIGENT BOOT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17945950 titled 'ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH INTELLIGENT BOOT

Simplified Explanation

The system described in the patent application includes a processor, a charger circuit, and a battery management unit (BMU). The charger circuit is responsible for charging a battery, while the BMU contains an intelligent boot module that can send a boot signal to the processor based on various information, such as battery condition and system information. The processor then initiates a boot sequence based on the received boot signal.

  • Processor, charger circuit, and BMU are key components of the system.
  • Charger circuit charges the battery.
  • BMU includes an intelligent boot module.
  • Boot signal is sent to the processor based on battery condition and system information.
  • Processor starts a boot sequence in response to the boot signal.

Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in various electronic devices that require efficient battery management and boot sequence initiation, such as smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of optimizing battery usage and ensuring a smooth boot-up process in electronic devices, leading to improved overall performance and user experience.


The benefits of this technology include enhanced battery management, faster boot times, and increased reliability of electronic devices.

Potential Commercial Applications

A potential commercial application of this technology could be in the manufacturing of smartphones with improved battery performance and faster boot-up times, appealing to consumers looking for high-quality and efficient devices.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing battery management systems in electronic devices that may not have the intelligent boot module feature described in this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

How does the intelligent boot module determine when to send the boot signal to the processor?

The patent application does not provide specific details on the decision-making process of the intelligent boot module in sending the boot signal to the processor. It would be interesting to know the criteria and algorithms used for this determination.

What impact does the boot sequence based on battery condition have on the overall performance of the electronic device?

The patent application mentions that the processor starts a boot sequence based on the boot signal, but it does not elaborate on how this affects the performance of the electronic device. Understanding the implications of this feature could provide valuable insights into the technology's effectiveness.

Original Abstract Submitted

A system includes a processor, a charger circuit and a battery management unit (BMU). The charger circuit charges a battery. The BMU includes an intelligent boot module that can send a boot signal to the processor based on information including a battery condition and system information. The processor starts a boot sequence based on the boot signal.