17717141. Compositions and methods for converting methanol into hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide simplified abstract (THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA)

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Compositions and methods for converting methanol into hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide

Organization Name



Christopher B. Eiben of Berkeley CA (US)

Jay D. Keasling of Berkeley CA (US)

Compositions and methods for converting methanol into hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17717141 titled 'Compositions and methods for converting methanol into hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide

Simplified Explanation

The present invention describes a method for producing hydrogen peroxide using methanol oxidase, formate oxidase, and formaldehyde dismutase enzymes.

  • Methanol is oxidized into formaldehyde by methanol oxidase bound with a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor.
  • Formaldehyde is then oxidized into formate by either methanol oxidase or formate oxidase bound with FAD.
  • Oxygen is then used to produce hydrogen peroxide and oxidize the reduced FAD back into its active form.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in industries requiring hydrogen peroxide for various processes, such as bleaching, disinfection, and chemical synthesis.

Problems Solved

This method provides a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to produce hydrogen peroxide compared to traditional methods.


The method offers a sustainable and cost-effective approach to hydrogen peroxide production, reducing the reliance on traditional chemical processes.

Potential Commercial Applications

"Green Hydrogen Peroxide Production Method" - This title is SEO optimized for commercial applications of the technology.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the traditional methods of hydrogen peroxide production using anthraquinone process or auto-oxidation of hydroquinone.

What are the specific enzymes used in the method described in the patent application?

The specific enzymes used in the method described in the patent application are methanol oxidase, formate oxidase, and formaldehyde dismutase.

How does this method compare to traditional methods of hydrogen peroxide production in terms of efficiency and environmental impact?

This method offers a more efficient and environmentally friendly approach to hydrogen peroxide production compared to traditional methods, as it utilizes enzymes and natural processes instead of harsh chemicals and energy-intensive processes.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present invention provides for a method for producing hydrogen peroxide comprising: (a) contacting a methanol with a methanol oxidase bound with a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor, such that the methanol is oxidized into a formaldehyde and the FAD cofactor is reduced into FADH; (b) contacting the formaldehyde with the methanol oxidase or a formate oxidase bound with a FAD cofactor, such that the formaldehyde is oxidized into a formate and the FAD is reduced into FADH; and (c) contacting oxygen with one or more of the FADHto produce hydrogen peroxide and oxidize FADHinto FAD. The present invention also provides for a fusion protein comprising any two or all of methanol oxidase, formate oxidase, and formaldehyde dismutase.