17692003. LINE PRESSURE CONTROL METHOD FOR DCT simplified abstract (Kia Corporation)

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Organization Name

Kia Corporation


Ki Hyung Joo of Gyeonggi-Do (KR)

Young Ho Ko of Gyeonggi-Do (KR)

LINE PRESSURE CONTROL METHOD FOR DCT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17692003 titled 'LINE PRESSURE CONTROL METHOD FOR DCT

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for controlling the line pressure in a double clutch transmission (DCT) by estimating the line pressure based on certain variables and driving an electric oil pump when the estimated line pressure reaches a predetermined lower limit.

  • The method involves estimating the line pressure in a DCT.
  • The line pressure decreases when the electric oil pump stops.
  • A linear regression model is used to estimate the line pressure based on state variables of the DCT that affect the line pressure change.
  • When the estimated line pressure reaches a predetermined lower limit, the electric oil pump is activated.

Potential Applications

  • Automotive industry
  • Transmission systems
  • Double clutch transmissions

Problems Solved

  • Maintaining optimal line pressure in a double clutch transmission
  • Preventing line pressure from dropping too low when the electric oil pump stops


  • Improved control over line pressure in a DCT
  • Prevents potential damage to the transmission system
  • Enhances overall performance and efficiency of the DCT

Original Abstract Submitted

A line pressure control method for a double clutch transmission (DCT) includes estimating a line pressure, which decreases with stoppage of an electric oil pump, based on a linear regression model using state variables of the DCT that are related to a line pressure change, and driving the electric oil pump when the line pressure estimated based on the linear regression model reaches a predetermined lower limit.