17641538. PLASMA PROCESSING DEVICE simplified abstract (Hitachi High-Tech Corporation)

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Organization Name

Hitachi High-Tech Corporation


Koichi Takasaki of Tokyo (JP)

Taku Iwase of Tokyo (JP)

PLASMA PROCESSING DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17641538 titled 'PLASMA PROCESSING DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a plasma processing device designed to suppress plasma diffusion and non-stationary discharge generation for stable processing. The device includes a processing chamber with a sample stage, an exhaust unit, a magnetic field forming mechanism, and a power supply unit for generating plasma.

  • The device includes a shielding section within the processing chamber to separate areas for radio frequency power supply and sample placement.
  • The shielding section consists of three shielding plates, including a first shielding plate with a first opening, a second shielding plate with a second opening at the center, and a third shielding plate between them.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in semiconductor manufacturing, surface treatment of materials, and plasma etching processes.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the issues of plasma diffusion and non-stationary discharge generation, ensuring stable processing conditions for improved efficiency and accuracy.


The benefits of this technology include enhanced control over plasma generation, reduced process variability, and improved overall processing stability.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include plasma etching equipment for semiconductor fabrication, plasma cleaning systems for industrial manufacturing, and plasma surface modification tools for research and development purposes.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of magnetic fields in plasma processing devices to control plasma behavior and improve processing stability. Another could be the use of shielding sections to separate different areas within a processing chamber for specific functions.

Unanswered Questions

How does the magnetic field forming mechanism interact with the plasma generation process?

The interaction between the magnetic field forming mechanism and the plasma generation process is not explicitly described in the abstract. Further details on this interaction could provide insights into the overall functionality of the device.

What materials are the shielding plates made of, and how do they affect the performance of the device?

The abstract does not mention the materials used for the shielding plates or their impact on the device's performance. Understanding the material properties and their influence on the device's operation could be crucial for optimizing its efficiency and effectiveness.

Original Abstract Submitted

In order to execute stable processing by suppressing plasma diffusion and non-stationary discharge generation, there is provided a plasma processing device which includes a processing chamber in which a sample stage is provided for placing a sample thereon, an exhaust unit for evacuating the processing chamber, a magnetic field forming mechanism for forming a magnetic field in the processing chamber, and a power supply unit that supplies radio frequency power for generating plasma to the inside of the processing chamber evacuated by the exhaust unit and has the magnetic field formed by the magnetic field forming mechanism. The processing chamber includes a shielding section which divides an inner part of the processing chamber into a first area at a side for supplying the radio frequency power from the power supply unit and a second area at a side where the sample stage is disposed. The shielding section includes a first shielding plate disposed at the side that faces the first area, in which a first opening is formed, a second shielding plate disposed at the side that faces the second area, in which a second opening is formed at the center, and a third shielding plate disposed between the first and the second shielding plates.