17572969. Media Providing Method, Terminal System of Taxi Vehicle and Server Performing the Same simplified abstract (Kia Corporation)

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Media Providing Method, Terminal System of Taxi Vehicle and Server Performing the Same

Organization Name

Kia Corporation


Sojeong Kim of Seoul (KR)

Media Providing Method, Terminal System of Taxi Vehicle and Server Performing the Same - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17572969 titled 'Media Providing Method, Terminal System of Taxi Vehicle and Server Performing the Same

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes an embodiment terminal system for taxi vehicles that includes a first terminal located in the vehicle. The terminal is configured to display media content provided from a server that offers a call/allocation service on a screen. The media content displayed through the terminal varies depending on whether a passenger in the taxi vehicle used the call/allocation service to board the vehicle.

  • The embodiment terminal system is designed for taxi vehicles.
  • It includes a first terminal located in the vehicle.
  • The terminal displays media content provided by a server that offers a call/allocation service.
  • The media content displayed on the terminal's screen varies based on whether a passenger used the call/allocation service to board the vehicle.

Potential Applications

  • This technology can be applied in taxi services to enhance the passenger experience.
  • It can be used to provide targeted media content to passengers based on their usage of the call/allocation service.
  • The system can be integrated into existing taxi fleets to offer personalized entertainment options to passengers.

Problems Solved

  • The system solves the problem of providing relevant media content to passengers in taxi vehicles.
  • It addresses the need for a more personalized and tailored experience for passengers using call/allocation services.
  • The technology solves the challenge of integrating a terminal system into taxi vehicles to display media content.


  • Passengers can enjoy customized media content based on their usage of the call/allocation service.
  • The system enhances the overall passenger experience by providing targeted entertainment options.
  • Taxi companies can differentiate themselves by offering a more personalized and enjoyable ride for passengers.

Original Abstract Submitted

An embodiment terminal system of a taxi vehicle includes a first terminal located in the taxi vehicle and configured to display media content provided from a server that provides a call/allocation service on a screen, wherein the media content displayed through the first terminal is varied based on whether a passenger in the taxi vehicle used the call/allocation service to board the taxi vehicle.