17525164. SPEAKER ASSEMBLY FOR MITIGATION OF LEAKAGE simplified abstract (Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC)

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Organization Name

Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC


Tetsuro Oishi of Bothell WA (US)

Gelmont Rios of Renton WA (US)

Alan Ng of Seattle WA (US)

SPEAKER ASSEMBLY FOR MITIGATION OF LEAKAGE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17525164 titled 'SPEAKER ASSEMBLY FOR MITIGATION OF LEAKAGE

Simplified Explanation

The speaker assembly described in the patent application is designed to provide improved audio content playback to a user by utilizing two vent assemblies to direct positive and negative acoustic pressure waves to different areas around the user's ear.

  • The speaker assembly presents audio content to the user's ear canal.
  • The speaker generates positive and negative acoustic pressure waves.
  • A first vent assembly ports the positive waves to the entrance of the ear canal.
  • A second vent assembly ports the negative waves to an area behind the pinna.
  • The vents are configured to enhance audio playback for the user.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various audio devices such as headphones, earbuds, hearing aids, and communication headsets to provide users with an improved audio experience.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of delivering high-quality audio content directly to the user's ear canal while minimizing interference from negative acoustic pressure waves.


The benefits of this technology include enhanced audio clarity, improved sound isolation, and a more comfortable listening experience for the user.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include consumer electronics, healthcare devices, and communication equipment where high-quality audio playback is essential.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing speaker assemblies or audio devices that utilize venting systems to optimize sound delivery to the user's ear.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing audio delivery systems in terms of sound quality and user comfort?

This article does not provide a direct comparison between this technology and other audio delivery systems in the market.

What are the potential limitations or drawbacks of implementing this technology in different types of audio devices?

The article does not address any potential limitations or drawbacks that may arise when integrating this technology into various audio devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

A speaker assembly presents audio content to an ear canal of a user. A speaker of the speaker assembly generates positive and negative acoustic pressure waves. A first vent assembly of the speaker assembly ports the positive acoustic pressure waves to an entrance of the ear canal of the user, whereas a second vent assembly ports the negative acoustic pressure waves to an area behind a pinna of the user. The first and second vent assembly are configured to provide improved audio content playback to the user.