17507598. Probes with Planar Unbiased Spring Elements for Electronic Component Contact and Methods for Making Such Probes simplified abstract (Microfabrica Inc.)

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Probes with Planar Unbiased Spring Elements for Electronic Component Contact and Methods for Making Such Probes

Organization Name

Microfabrica Inc.


Arun S. Veeramani of Vista CA (US)

Dennis R. Smalley of Newhall CA (US)

Probes with Planar Unbiased Spring Elements for Electronic Component Contact and Methods for Making Such Probes - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17507598 titled 'Probes with Planar Unbiased Spring Elements for Electronic Component Contact and Methods for Making Such Probes

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application for probes used to contact electronic components, featuring compliant modules stacked in a serial configuration supported by an exoskeleton or endoskeleton. The probes allow for linear longitudinal compression of probe ends towards each other, with compliant elements including planar springs when unbiased.

  • The probes consist of compliant modules stacked in a serial configuration.
  • The compliant modules are supported by an exoskeleton or endoskeleton.
  • Linear longitudinal compression of probe ends towards each other is enabled.
  • Compliant elements within the modules include planar springs when unbiased.
  • Probes can be formed from single modules or pairs of back-to-back modules.
  • Module bases allow for lateral and longitudinal alignment of probes relative to array structures or other modules.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in electronic testing equipment, semiconductor manufacturing, and medical devices.

Problems Solved

The probes solve the problem of accurately and reliably contacting electronic components in various applications.


The benefits of this technology include improved accuracy, reliability, and efficiency in electronic component testing and manufacturing processes.

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology can be applied in the development of new electronic testing equipment, semiconductor manufacturing tools, and medical devices.

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to compliant probes used in electronic testing equipment and semiconductor manufacturing processes.

Unanswered Questions

How does the design of the compliant modules contribute to the overall performance of the probes?

The design of the compliant modules allows for flexibility and adaptability in contacting electronic components, but the specific mechanisms involved in this design are not detailed in the abstract.

What materials are used in the construction of the compliant modules and how does this impact the functionality of the probes?

The abstract does not mention the materials used in the construction of the compliant modules, which could have a significant impact on the performance and durability of the probes.

Original Abstract Submitted

Probes for contacting electronic components include a plurality of compliant modules stacked in a serial configuration, which are supported by an exoskeleton or an endoskeleton which allows for linear longitudinal compression of probe ends toward one another wherein the compliant elements within the compliant modules include planar springs (when unbiased). Other probes are formed from single compliant modules or pairs of back-to-back modules that may share a common base. Module bases may include configurations that allow for one or both lateral alignment and longitudinal alignment of probes relative to array structures (e.g., array substrates, guide plates) or other modules they contact or to which they adhere.