17459043. Systems, Methods, and Semiconductor Devices simplified abstract (TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD.)

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Systems, Methods, and Semiconductor Devices

Organization Name



Tz-Shian Chen of Hsinchu (TW)

Li-Ting Wang of Hsinchu (TW)

Yee-Chia Yeo of Hsinchu (TW)

Systems, Methods, and Semiconductor Devices - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17459043 titled 'Systems, Methods, and Semiconductor Devices

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device using laser annealing. The method involves determining the reflectivity of different anneal regions on a wafer and adjusting the power of laser shots accordingly. The temperature of the anneal regions is measured during the process.

  • The method involves determining the reflectivity of anneal regions on a wafer.
  • Laser shots are performed on the anneal regions based on their reflectivity.
  • The power of the laser shots is adjusted according to the reflectivity of the anneal regions.
  • The temperature of the anneal regions is measured during the process.

Potential Applications

  • Manufacturing of semiconductor devices
  • Semiconductor fabrication processes

Problems Solved

  • Controlling the power of laser shots during annealing processes
  • Ensuring consistent temperature in different anneal regions


  • Improved control over the annealing process
  • Enhanced uniformity in the temperature of anneal regions
  • Increased efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing

Original Abstract Submitted

A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device includes: determining a first reflectivity of a first anneal region on a wafer; determining a second reflectivity of a second anneal region on the wafer, performing a first laser shot on the first anneal region, measuring a first temperature of the first anneal region, and performing a second laser shot on a second anneal region. A power of the first laser shot is set in accordance with the first reflectivity. A power of the second laser shot is set in accordance with the second reflectivity.