17448758. Transmitting Microphone Audio from Two or More Audio Output Devices to a Source Device simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Transmitting Microphone Audio from Two or More Audio Output Devices to a Source Device

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Sriram Hariharan of San Jose CA (US)

Alon Paycher of Beit Hananya (IL)

Transmitting Microphone Audio from Two or More Audio Output Devices to a Source Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17448758 titled 'Transmitting Microphone Audio from Two or More Audio Output Devices to a Source Device

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a technique for transmitting audio data from a pair of wireless audio output devices to a user equipment (UE). Here is a simplified explanation of the abstract:

  • A first wireless audio output device establishes a communication link with a source device using a wireless communication protocol.
  • The first device receives source audio data from the source device.
  • The first device also receives secondary audio data from a second wireless audio output device.
  • The first device combines the primary audio data from itself with the secondary audio data from the second device into a consolidated audio packet.
  • The consolidated audio packet is then transmitted back to the source device.

Potential applications of this technology:

  • Wireless audio systems: This technique can be used in wireless audio systems where multiple audio output devices need to transmit audio data to a central source device.
  • Multi-room audio setups: It can be applied in multi-room audio setups where audio data from different rooms or areas needs to be consolidated and transmitted to a central control device.
  • Collaborative audio environments: This technology can be useful in collaborative audio environments, such as conference rooms or music studios, where multiple audio sources need to be combined and transmitted.

Problems solved by this technology:

  • Simplified audio transmission: This technique eliminates the need for complex wiring or individual connections between each audio output device and the source device, making audio transmission more convenient.
  • Synchronization of audio data: By combining primary and secondary audio data into a consolidated packet, this technique ensures that the audio data from different devices remains synchronized when transmitted back to the source device.

Benefits of this technology:

  • Enhanced user experience: Users can enjoy seamless audio transmission from multiple wireless audio output devices without any noticeable delays or synchronization issues.
  • Flexibility and scalability: This technique allows for easy expansion of the audio system by adding more wireless audio output devices without the need for additional complex wiring or connections.
  • Improved convenience: Users can freely move around with their wireless audio output devices without being restricted by physical connections, providing greater flexibility and convenience.

Original Abstract Submitted

The exemplary embodiments relate to implementing techniques for transmission of audio data from both of a pair of audio output devices to a user equipment (UE). A first wireless audio output device establishes a communication link to a source device using a wireless communication protocol, receives source audio data from the source device, receives secondary audio data from a second wireless audio output device and combines primary audio data from the first wireless audio output device with the secondary audio data into a consolidated audio packet. The consolidated packet is then transmitted to the source device.