17384680. Methods for Making Probe Arrays Utilizing Lateral Plastic Deformation of Probe Preforms simplified abstract (Microfabrica Inc.)

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Methods for Making Probe Arrays Utilizing Lateral Plastic Deformation of Probe Preforms

Organization Name

Microfabrica Inc.


Onnik Yaglioglu of Chatsworth CA (US)

Methods for Making Probe Arrays Utilizing Lateral Plastic Deformation of Probe Preforms - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17384680 titled 'Methods for Making Probe Arrays Utilizing Lateral Plastic Deformation of Probe Preforms

Simplified Explanation

Improved probe arrays are created using probe preforms with desired array spacings but not intended individual probe configurations. These preforms are deformed by one or more deformation plates to provide probes with desired configurations, with multiple deformations occurring simultaneously or in series.

  • Probe preforms with desired array spacings are deformed by one or more deformation plates.
  • Deformation plates cause permanent (plastic) deformation of the probe preforms to create probes with desired configurations.
  • Deformation can occur simultaneously for multiple preforms, with lateral displacement of the plates relative to the array substrate.
  • Longitudinal shifting may accompany lateral displacement to adjust for changes in relative positioning.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in:

  • Semiconductor testing
  • Medical diagnostics
  • DNA sequencing

Problems Solved

This innovation addresses issues such as:

  • Precision in probe array formation
  • Efficiency in probe manufacturing
  • Consistency in probe configurations


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Customizable probe arrays
  • Enhanced accuracy in testing
  • Streamlined manufacturing processes

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology can be commercially benefit:

  • Semiconductor industry for testing equipment
  • Biotechnology companies for research and development
  • Medical device manufacturers for diagnostic tools

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of manual methods for probe array formation, which may lack precision and efficiency compared to the automated deformation process described in this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to traditional methods of probe array formation?

This article does not directly compare the new technology to traditional methods, leaving a gap in understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

What are the potential limitations or challenges in implementing this technology on a large scale?

The article does not address the scalability or practical challenges that may arise when implementing this technology in mass production settings, leaving room for further exploration and analysis.

Original Abstract Submitted

Improved probe arrays (e.g. buckling beam arrays) are formed using probe preforms that have desired array spacings but not intended individual probe configurations. Groups of preforms are engaged with one or more deformation plates that cause permanent (i.e. plastic) deformation of the probe preforms to provide probe from deformed probe preforms with desired probe configurations where at least part of the deformation of multiple probe preforms occur simultaneously and where multiple deformations of individual probe preforms may occur in parallel or in series and where deformation is provided by substantially lateral displacement of the one or more deformation plates relative to a permanent or temporary array substrate or one or more different deformation plates. In some variations, the substantial lateral displacement may be accompanied by longitudinal shifting as necessary to accommodate for change in relative longitudinal positioning as lateral displacement occurs.