US Patent Application 18216204. DATA SYNCHRONIZATION ACROSS MULTIPLE DEVICES simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Joao Pedro De Almeida Forjaz De Lacerda of Santa Cruz CA (US)

Giovanni M. Agnoli of San Mateo CA (US)

Bob Bradley of San Jose CA (US)

Joshua R. Ford of Santa Clara CA (US)

Michael D. Ford of Menlo Park CA (US)

Brian E. Korver of San Francisco CA (US)

Marc J. Krochmal of Santa Clara CA (US)

Joseph E. Meyer of Bethesda MD (US)

Jared K. Mcgann of San Jose CA (US)

Rex C. Ross of San Jose CA (US)

Paul W. Salzman of Palo Alto CA (US)

Christopher G. Skogen of Los Altos Hills CA (US)

DATA SYNCHRONIZATION ACROSS MULTIPLE DEVICES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18216204 Titled 'DATA SYNCHRONIZATION ACROSS MULTIPLE DEVICES'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes an electronic device that has a storage medium, processors, and memory. The memory stores synchronization data related to the interaction between the device and applications. The processors are responsible for executing instructions that retrieve the synchronization data and determine whether to use a peer-to-peer channel or a network-based channel for transmitting the data. The data is then sent from the device to remote devices through the chosen transport channel.

Original Abstract Submitted

One embodiment provides for an electronic device, comprising a non-transitory machine-readable medium to store instructions, one or more processors to execute the instructions, and a memory coupled to the one or more processors. The memory can be configured to store a set of synchronization data associated with interaction between the electronic device and one or more applications and instructions which, when executed by the one or more processors, configure the one or more processors to retrieve a set of synchronization data to be transmitted from the electronic device to select a transport channel from one of a peer-to-peer channel or a network-based channel and transmit the set of synchronization data from the electronic device to one or more remote devices via the selected transport channel.