US Patent Application 18177180. VEHICLE CONTROLLER AND VEHICLE CONTROL METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Yusuke Yoshimura of Tokyo (JP)

Takayuki Ozawa of Tokyo (JP)

VEHICLE CONTROLLER AND VEHICLE CONTROL METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18177180 Titled 'VEHICLE CONTROLLER AND VEHICLE CONTROL METHOD'

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a vehicle controller that has two main components: an identifying unit and a control unit. The identifying unit is responsible for determining the parking location of the vehicle. The control unit, on the other hand, is in charge of managing the power supply to various devices inside the vehicle. When the power switch of the vehicle is turned off, the control unit ensures that power is still supplied to a specific device, known as the target in-vehicle device, for a predetermined duration of time. This duration is determined based on the identified parking location of the vehicle.

Original Abstract Submitted

A vehicle controller includes: an identifying unit that identifies a parking location of a vehicle; and a control unit that controls power supply to in-vehicle devices in response to operation on a power switch of the vehicle, the control unit maintains the power supply to a target in-vehicle device, which is at least one of the in-vehicle devices, during a predetermined target duration time after the vehicle is parked and the power switch is turned off, and the target duration time is determined depending on the parking location of the vehicle that is identified by the identifying unit.