US Patent Application 18094487. SMART TEST CASE EXECUTION CYCLE ASSIGNMENT MECHANISM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Huijuan Fan of Chengdu (CN)

Jia Huang of Chengdu (CN)

SMART TEST CASE EXECUTION CYCLE ASSIGNMENT MECHANISM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18094487 Titled 'SMART TEST CASE EXECUTION CYCLE ASSIGNMENT MECHANISM'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes a method, system, and storage medium for a feature coverage system in software testing. The system selects a test case from a group of test cases and calculates a weighted metric for each test cycle. The system then determines which test cycle to assign the test case to in order to balance test feature coverage. The assigned test case is then executed on a system.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, system, and non-transitory processor-readable storage medium for feature coverage system are provided herein. An example method includes selecting a test case from a plurality of test cases in a software testing lifecycle system. A feature coverage system calculates a weighted metric associated with a test cycle for each test cycle in a plurality of test cycles, where each of the plurality of test cycles comprises a subset of the plurality of test cases. Using the weighted metric, the feature coverage system determines a test cycle in which to assign the test case to balance test feature coverage within the plurality of test cycles, and assigns the test case to the test cycle. The software testing lifecycle system then executes the test cycle on a system.