US Patent Application 17751978. Memory Circuitry And Method Used In Forming Memory Circuitry simplified abstract

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Memory Circuitry And Method Used In Forming Memory Circuitry

Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Collin Howder of Boise ID (US)

Taehyun Kim of Boise ID (US)

Memory Circuitry And Method Used In Forming Memory Circuitry - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17751978 titled 'Memory Circuitry And Method Used In Forming Memory Circuitry

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for forming a memory array using a stack of alternating tiers of different materials.

  • The stack includes lower channel-material strings that extend through the tiers.
  • A sacrificial plug made of sacrificial material is placed above the lower channel-material strings.
  • The sacrificial material is removed from the corner regions of the plug in a specific pattern.
  • Insulator material is then formed in the spaces left by the removal of the sacrificial material.
  • The remaining volume of the sacrificial plug is removed.
  • Upper channel-material strings are formed below the insulator material and are connected to the lower channel-material strings.
  • The patent also mentions other embodiments and structures.

Original Abstract Submitted

A method used in forming a memory array comprising strings of memory cells comprises forming a stack comprising vertically-alternating different-composition first tiers and second tiers. The stack comprises lower channel-material strings extending through the first tiers and the second tiers. A sacrificial plug comprises sacrificial material directly above individual of the lower channel-material strings. The sacrificial material is removed from laterally-opposing corner regions of the sacrificial plug in a greater amount diagonally than orthogonally relative to a sidewall of individual of the corner regions and than orthogonally relative to a top of the individual corner regions. Insulator material is formed in void spaces left from the removing. After forming the insulator material, remaining volume of the sacrificial plug is removed. Channel material of upper channel-material strings is formed below and against lower surfaces of the insulator material and that directly couples to channel material of the lower channel-material strings. Other embodiments, including structure, are disclosed.