US Patent Application 17659737. SLOW DRAIN AND CONGESTION SPREADING DETECTION SERVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Massarrah N. Tannous of Cambridge MA (US)

Daniel Mckay of Andover MA (US)

Erik P. Smith of Douglas MA (US)

Jai Bansal of Bangalore (IN)

Jean E. Pierre of Brockton MA (US)

Alan Rajapa of Brooklyn NY (US)

SLOW DRAIN AND CONGESTION SPREADING DETECTION SERVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 17659737 Titled 'SLOW DRAIN AND CONGESTION SPREADING DETECTION SERVICE'

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes techniques for analyzing the impact of a congested switch port on a network and determining the reason for the congestion. It involves collecting configuration and performance data from the network and identifying the shortest path between a storage port and a host port. The congested switch port is identified, and its impact on other switch ports in the network is determined. This information triggers an alert that provides details about the impact.

Original Abstract Submitted

Techniques for determining an impact that a congested switch port is having on a network and for estimating a reason as to why the congested switch port is congested are disclosed. Configuration data and performance data from a network are obtained. Based on the configuration data, a shortest path between a storage port and a host port is identified. A particular switch port is also identified as a result of that port being congested. An impact as to how the switch port, due to its congestion in the particular shortest path, is impacting or is being impacted by other switch ports in the network is determined. An alert, which includes information indicating the impact, is triggered.