Texas instruments incorporated (20240281231). NESTED LOOP CONTROL simplified abstract

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Organization Name

texas instruments incorporated


Kai Chirca of Dallas TX (US)

Timothy D. Anderson of University Park TX (US)

Todd T. Hahn of Sugar Land TX (US)

Alan L. Davis of Sugar Land TX (US)

NESTED LOOP CONTROL - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240281231 titled 'NESTED LOOP CONTROL

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for compiling and executing a nested loop, involving initializing a controller with loop count values, coalescing the nested loop, populating a predicate FIFO, and executing instructions based on the FIFO values.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Initializing a nested loop controller with loop count values.
  • Coalescing the nested loop for efficient execution.
  • Populating a predicate FIFO during loop execution.
  • Executing instructions based on the values retrieved from the FIFO.
  • Predicating outer loop instructions on FIFO values.

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in software development, data processing, and optimization algorithms where nested loops are commonly used.

Problems Solved

The method addresses the need for efficient execution of nested loops, reducing computational overhead and improving performance in loop-based operations.


  • Improved efficiency in executing nested loops.
  • Reduced computational overhead.
  • Enhanced performance in loop-intensive applications.

Commercial Applications

  • Software development tools for optimizing nested loop execution.
  • Data processing systems for faster computation.
  • Optimization algorithms for improved performance in loop-based operations.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of loop optimization techniques and compiler design to explore similar methods and technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in compiler optimization techniques and loop execution strategies to enhance the efficiency of nested loops.

Questions about Nested Loop Optimization

How does the method of populating a predicate FIFO improve loop execution efficiency?

The use of a predicate FIFO allows for quick retrieval of loop control values, reducing the need for repetitive calculations and improving overall performance.

What are the potential challenges in implementing this nested loop optimization method in real-world applications?

Some challenges may include compatibility with existing software systems, integration with different programming languages, and ensuring the accuracy of loop control values during execution.

Original Abstract Submitted

a method for compiling and executing a nested loop includes initializing a nested loop controller with an outer loop count value and an inner loop count value. the nested loop controller includes a predicate fifo. the method also includes coalescing the nested loop and, during execution of the coalesced nested loop, causing the nested loop controller to populate the predicate fifo and executing a get predicate instruction having an offset value, where the get predicate returns a value from the predicate fifo specified by the offset value. the method further includes predicating an outer loop instruction on the returned value from the predicate fifo.