Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240183777). MEASURING APPARATUS AND TESTING APPARATUS HAVING THE SAME simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Yasuhiro Hidaka of Yokohama-shi (JP)

Ingi Kim of Suwon-si (KR)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240183777 titled 'MEASURING APPARATUS AND TESTING APPARATUS HAVING THE SAME

Simplified Explanation

The measuring apparatus described in the abstract is a sophisticated device that utilizes various optical components and detectors to analyze electromagnetic waves emitted from a specimen. Here is a simplified explanation of the patent application:

  • The apparatus includes a beam splitter, diffraction grating, optical systems for illumination and condensing, a time domain detector, and a controller.
  • The time domain detector detects electromagnetic waves at different time intervals when a trigger beam is incident on the specimen.
  • The controller locks in and detects the electromagnetic waves with a driving frequency to analyze the electric field of the measurement portion.
  • The controller uses Fourier transformation to convert the time domain waveform of the detected electromagnetic wave into a frequency domain waveform and filters specific frequency bands for analysis.
      1. Potential Applications of this Technology:

- Material analysis - Biological sample analysis - Quality control in manufacturing processes

      1. Problems Solved by this Technology:

- Accurate measurement of electromagnetic waves - Precise analysis of electric fields in specimens - Real-time monitoring of electromagnetic signals

      1. Benefits of this Technology:

- High precision in measurements - Efficient data analysis - Improved understanding of electromagnetic properties

      1. Potential Commercial Applications of this Technology:
        1. Advanced Electromagnetic Wave Analysis for Research and Development
      1. Possible Prior Art:

There may be prior art related to similar measuring apparatus used in scientific research or industrial applications.

        1. Unanswered Questions:
        2. 1. How does the apparatus handle interference from external electromagnetic sources?

The abstract does not provide information on how the measuring apparatus deals with interference from external electromagnetic sources. This could be crucial in ensuring the accuracy of the measurements.

        1. 2. What is the size and portability of the measuring apparatus?

The abstract does not mention the size or portability of the measuring apparatus. Understanding these aspects could be important for potential users who may require a compact or portable device for their applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

a measuring apparatus includes a first beam splitter, a diffraction grating, an optical illumination system, an optical condensing system configured to condense an electromagnetic wave eh radiated from the specimen, a time domain detector configured to detect the electromagnetic wave eh, for each time when the trigger beam, light path length of which has been changed in a delay mechanism, is incident, and a controller configured to lock-in detect the electromagnetic wave eh with a driving frequency of an amplitude modulation element, wherein the controller obtains a magnitude and a direction of an electric field of the measurement portion by fourier transforming a time domain waveform of the detected electromagnetic wave eh to obtain a frequency domain waveform, and filtering a frequency band from the obtained frequency domain waveform.