Samsung display co., ltd. (20240324297). DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Jiwon Jung of Yongin-si (KR)

Guanghai Jin of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240324297 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS

The display apparatus described in the patent application includes a substrate with a first display region and a first pixel unit that emits light of a first color. The first pixel unit consists of a pixel electrode, a bank layer, insulating members, an intermediate layer, and a common electrode.

  • The first pixel unit is composed of various layers and components to emit light of a specific color.
  • The insulating members are arranged apart from each other within the pixel opening.
  • The common electrode is disposed on the intermediate layer to complete the pixel structure.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in the development of high-resolution displays for electronic devices. - It can also be applied in the manufacturing of vibrant and colorful screens for televisions and monitors.

Problems Solved: - The technology addresses the need for precise control over the color emitted by individual pixels in a display. - It solves the challenge of achieving uniform and consistent color reproduction across the entire display area.

Benefits: - Improved color accuracy and vibrancy in display screens. - Enhanced visual experience for users with sharper and more vivid images.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for Enhanced Visual Experience This technology can be utilized in the production of high-end smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs to provide users with superior image quality and color reproduction. The market implications include increased demand for devices with enhanced display capabilities, leading to potential growth in the consumer electronics industry.

Questions about Display Technology: 1. How does the arrangement of insulating members within the pixel unit contribute to color accuracy? - The insulating members help to prevent interference between adjacent pixels, ensuring precise color reproduction. 2. What role does the common electrode play in the functioning of the pixel unit? - The common electrode helps to complete the electrical circuit necessary for the pixel to emit light of the desired color.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display apparatus includes a substrate, on which a first display region is defined, and a first pixel unit disposed on the substrate in the first display region, where the first pixel unit includes a first pixel which emits light of a first color. the first pixel includes a pixel electrode, a bank layer disposed on the pixel electrode, where a pixel opening is defined in the bank layer to expose at least a portion of the pixel electrode, a plurality of insulating members disposed on the pixel electrode in the pixel opening, where the plurality of insulating members is arranged apart from each other, an intermediate layer disposed on the bank layer to cover the plurality of insulating members, and a common electrode disposed on the intermediate layer.