Micron technology, inc. (20240176547). ACCESS TRACKING IN MEMORY simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


Cagdas Dirik of Indianola WA (US)

Robert M. Walker of Raleigh NC (US)

Elliott C. Cooper-balis of San Jose CA (US)

ACCESS TRACKING IN MEMORY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240176547 titled 'ACCESS TRACKING IN MEMORY

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes an access tracker system that receives requests to access pages, tracks page IDs, increments access counts, sorts page IDs based on access counts, and determines if a page is hot or cold based on the sorting.

  • The system is designed to track and manage access to web pages efficiently.
  • It uses access counts to prioritize pages based on popularity.
  • The system can identify which pages are currently popular (hot) and which are not (cold).

Potential Applications

The technology could be applied in:

  • Website analytics tools to track page popularity.
  • Content management systems to prioritize content based on access counts.

Problems Solved

  • Helps identify popular pages for optimization.
  • Allows for better content management based on user access patterns.


  • Improved user experience by prioritizing popular content.
  • Efficient content management based on access counts.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing content delivery in:

  • E-commerce platforms.
  • News websites.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be:

  • Google Analytics, which tracks website traffic and user behavior.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle privacy concerns related to tracking user access?

The abstract does not mention any specific privacy measures in place to protect user data.

Can the system differentiate between organic and paid traffic to a page?

The abstract does not provide information on how the system distinguishes between different sources of traffic to a page.

Original Abstract Submitted

an access tracker configured to receive a request to access a page, determine whether a page identification (id) associated with the page is in the access tracker, increment an access count of the page in response to determining the page id is in the access tracker, sort a number of page ids based on an access count of each page id, and determine whether a different page is hot or cold in response to sorting the number of page ids.