International business machines corporation (20240236197). INTELLIGENT DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Sudheesh S. Kairali of Kozhikode (IN)

Sarbajit K. Rakshit of Kolkata (IN)

INTELLIGENT DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240236197 titled 'INTELLIGENT DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes a method for optimizing parameter data passing between microservices in a service mesh by reducing the data based on specified conditions.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Utilizes a vertical reduction interceptor to receive data reduction conditions from a database.
  • Intercepts sender microservices and reduces parameter data based on the target microservice's data reduction condition.
  • Sends the optimized parameter data to the target microservice.
  • Data reduction conditions are based on specified user profiles.
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology can be applied in various industries where microservices are used, such as cloud computing, IoT, and telecommunications.

    • Problems Solved:**

This technology addresses the challenge of efficiently passing parameter data between microservices in a service mesh by reducing the data based on specific conditions.

    • Benefits:**
  • Improved efficiency in data passing between microservices.
  • Reduction in data transmission costs.
  • Enhanced security by optimizing data based on user profiles.
    • Commercial Applications:**

Optimizing parameter data passing between microservices can benefit companies in the tech industry, cloud service providers, and businesses utilizing IoT devices.

    • Prior Art:**

Researchers can explore prior patents related to data optimization in microservices and service meshes to understand the existing technology landscape.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Stay informed about advancements in microservices architecture, data optimization techniques, and service mesh technologies to enhance the efficiency of parameter data passing.

    • Questions about Parameter Data Optimization in Microservices:**

1. How does the method of reducing parameter data based on user profiles improve data passing efficiency in microservices? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology on data security in service meshes?

Original Abstract Submitted

a method of optimizing parameter data passing between microservices in a service mesh includes receiving, by a vertical reduction interceptor, a data reduction condition of a target microservice. the data reduction condition is provided by a vertical reduction database. the method further includes intercepting, by the vertical reduction interceptor, a sender microservice that sends the parameter data to the target microservice and reducing, upon identifying that the parameter data meets the data reduction condition of the target microservice, a dimension of the parameter data based on the data reduction condition. the parameter data is sent to the target microservice. the data reduction condition is based on a specified user profile.