International business machines corporation (20240186393). Gate All Around Dual Channel Transistors simplified abstract

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Gate All Around Dual Channel Transistors

Organization Name

international business machines corporation


Ruqiang Bao of Niskayuna NY (US)

Effendi Leobandung of Stormville NY (US)

Gate All Around Dual Channel Transistors - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240186393 titled 'Gate All Around Dual Channel Transistors

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a semiconductor device with gate all around transistors with dual channels, one for p-channel field-effect transistors (pfets) and another for n-channel field-effect transistors (nfets). The device includes a wafer with multiple channels in each transistor, where the channels of the first transistor have cores and a cladding layer fully surrounding the cores.

  • Explanation of the patent/innovation:

- Semiconductor devices with gate all around transistors - Dual channels for pfets and nfets - Multiple channels in each transistor - Cores and cladding layer in the channels - Annealing process to convert cores/cladding layer into uniform material

  • Potential applications of this technology:

- Advanced integrated circuits - High-performance computing - Power management systems - Communication devices - Sensor technology

  • Problems solved by this technology:

- Enhanced transistor performance - Improved power efficiency - Increased speed and reliability - Compatibility with different channel types - Reduction of leakage current

  • Benefits of this technology:

- Higher transistor density - Better control over transistor operation - Enhanced overall device performance - Lower power consumption - Increased functionality in a smaller footprint

  • Potential commercial applications of this technology:

- Semiconductor manufacturing companies - Electronics industry - Research institutions - Telecommunications sector - Consumer electronics market

  • Possible prior art:

- Previous semiconductor devices with gate all around transistors - Dual-channel transistors for pfets and nfets - Annealing processes for semiconductor materials


1. How does the annealing process affect the performance of the semiconductor devices? 2. What specific advantages do dual-channel transistors offer over single-channel transistors in semiconductor applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

semiconductor devices having gate all around transistors with dual channels, one channel type for p-channel field-effect transistors (pfets) and another channel type for n-channel field-effect transistors (nfets) are provided. in one aspect, a semiconductor device includes: a wafer; and at least a first transistor and a second transistor on the wafer, where the first and second transistors each includes multiple channels, and where the multiple channels of the first transistor include first portions and second portions with the first portions having (e.g., si) cores and a (e.g., sige) ciadding layer fully surrounding the cores. alternatively, an anneal can be performed to convert the cores/cladding layer into uniform (e.g., sige). a method of fabricating the present semiconductor devices is also provided.