Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240195487). COMMUNICATION METHOD AND COMMUNICATION APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Yu Wang of Hangzhou (CN)

Yunfei Qiao of Hangzhou (CN)

Hejia Luo of Hangzhou (CN)

Ying Chen of Hangzhou (CN)

Rong Li of Boulogne Billancourt (FR)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND COMMUNICATION APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240195487 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND COMMUNICATION APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method and apparatus for communication between satellites. The method involves a first satellite obtaining a PDU containing information about a UPF agent and forwarding it to a second satellite, which is the next hop in the communication path.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Communication method between satellites
  • Use of PDUs containing information about UPF agents
  • Determining next hops based on pre-stored correspondences
  • Efficient routing of communication in satellite networks

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in satellite communication networks, particularly in scenarios where multiple satellites are involved in data transmission.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient routing of data in satellite networks
  • Minimizing delays in communication between satellites
  • Optimizing satellite network performance


  • Improved communication efficiency
  • Reduced latency in satellite networks
  • Enhanced performance of satellite communication systems

Commercial Applications

  • Satellite communication networks
  • Space exploration missions
  • Military satellite communication systems

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior patents related to satellite communication methods and apparatus to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

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Questions about Satellite Communication

How does this technology improve communication efficiency between satellites?

This technology optimizes the routing of data between satellites, reducing delays and improving overall performance.

What are the potential commercial applications of this satellite communication technology?

Commercial applications include satellite communication networks, space exploration missions, and military satellite communication systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

a communication method and a communication apparatus are provided. the method includes: obtaining, by a first satellite, a pdu, where the pdu includes first information, the first information includes an identifier of a upf agent, and the identifier of the upf agent indicates one of one or more upf agents associated with a last-hop satellite; and forwarding, by the first satellite, the pdu to a second satellite, where the second satellite is a next hop that is of the first satellite, that corresponds to the first information, and that is determined from at least one correspondence pre-stored by the first satellite, and each of the at least one group of correspondences indicates a correspondence between one piece of first information and a next hop.