Huawei technologies co., ltd. (20240179614). COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

huawei technologies co., ltd.


Zhongding Lei of Singapore (SG)

Haiguang Wang of Singapore (SG)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240179614 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a communication method and apparatus for updating the number of terminal devices or sessions in a network slice based on received parameter information. The method involves verifying the validity of the parameter information and updating the network slice accordingly.

  • Verification of parameter information:
 * The admission control network function receives a message with parameter information.
 * It checks the validity of the parameter information to ensure it is not forged or incorrect.
 * If the information is valid, the number of terminal devices or sessions in the network slice is updated.
  • Prevention of incorrect updating:
 * If the parameter information is false, indicating incorrect or forged data, the network slice is not updated.
 * This prevents instability in the network slice configuration caused by false information.
  • Improved service stability:
 * By ensuring that only valid parameter information is used to update the network slice, the stability of services provided by the network can be improved.

Potential Applications

The technology described in the patent application could be applied in various communication networks where the number of terminal devices or sessions needs to be updated accurately and securely.

Problems Solved

1. Prevention of incorrect updating of network slice configurations due to false parameter information. 2. Ensuring the stability of services provided by the network slice by verifying the validity of parameter information.


1. Improved accuracy in updating the number of terminal devices or sessions in a network slice. 2. Enhanced security by preventing the use of forged or incorrect parameter information.

Potential Commercial Applications

"Secure Parameter Updating Technology for Network Slices" could find applications in telecommunications companies, data centers, and cloud service providers where network configurations need to be updated reliably and securely.

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to admission control functions in communication networks that verify and update network parameters based on received information. However, specific details would need to be researched to identify relevant prior art.

Unanswered Questions

How does the technology handle scalability in large network environments?

The article does not address how the communication method and apparatus scale to handle a large number of terminal devices or sessions in complex network environments.

What measures are in place to protect the verification process from potential cyber threats?

The article does not mention any specific security measures implemented to safeguard the verification process from cyber threats or attacks.

Original Abstract Submitted

a communication method and apparatus are provided. the method includes receiving, by an admission control network function, a first message including first parameter information used to update a number of terminal devices or sessions in a first network slice. the admission control network function verifies validity of the first parameter information. if the first parameter information is valid, the admission control network function updates the number of terminal devices or sessions in the first network slice. when the first parameter information is false, it indicates that the first parameter information is forged incorrect information, and the number of terminal devices or sessions in the first network slice is not updated. incorrect updating, caused by a false message, on a configuration of a network slice can thereby be reduced, and stability of a service provided by the network slice can be improved.