18653277. OSCILLATOR WITH ACTIVE INDUCTOR simplified abstract (Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Organization Name

Texas Instruments Incorporated


Udit Rawat of West Lafayette IN (US)

Bichoy Bahr of Allen TX (US)

Swaminathan Sankaran of Allen TX (US)

OSCILLATOR WITH ACTIVE INDUCTOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18653277 titled 'OSCILLATOR WITH ACTIVE INDUCTOR

The apparatus described in the patent application includes a piezoelectric resonator, a first active inductor circuit, and a second active inductor circuit. The piezoelectric resonator has a first resonator terminal and a second resonator terminal.

  • The first active inductor circuit is connected between the first resonator terminal and a power supply terminal, with a first impedance that decreases at or above 1 GHz.
  • The second active inductor circuit is connected between the second resonator terminal and the power supply terminal, with a second impedance that decreases at or above 1 GHz.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilization of piezoelectric resonator in conjunction with active inductor circuits.
  • Ability to operate at frequencies of 1 GHz and above.
  • Improved impedance characteristics for enhanced performance.

Potential Applications:

  • High-frequency communication systems.
  • Wireless networking devices.
  • Radar and sensing applications.

Problems Solved:

  • Addressing impedance matching challenges at high frequencies.
  • Enhancing signal integrity in high-speed circuits.


  • Improved signal quality.
  • Enhanced performance at high frequencies.
  • Increased efficiency in communication systems.

Commercial Applications:

  • This technology could be utilized in the development of advanced wireless communication devices, high-speed data transmission systems, and radar systems for military and commercial applications.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the use of active inductor circuits improve the performance of the piezoelectric resonator? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in practical applications?

Frequently Updated Research: Ongoing research in the field of high-frequency electronics and signal processing may provide further insights into the optimization of this technology for various applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

An apparatus comprises a piezoelectric resonator, a first active inductor circuit, and a second active inductor circuit. The piezoelectric resonator includes a first resonator terminal and a second resonator terminal. The first active inductor circuit is coupled between the first resonator terminal and a power supply terminal, the first active inductor circuit having a first impedance that reduces with a first frequency where the first frequency is at or above 1 GHz. The second active inductor circuit is coupled between the second resonator terminal and the power supply terminal, the second active inductor circuit having a second impedance that reduces with a second frequency where the second frequency is at or above 1 GHz.