18545561. SELECTIVE SINGLE-LEVEL MEMORY CELL OPERATION simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Donghua Zhou of Suzhou City (CN)

SELECTIVE SINGLE-LEVEL MEMORY CELL OPERATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18545561 titled 'SELECTIVE SINGLE-LEVEL MEMORY CELL OPERATION

Simplified Explanation

The method involves configuring a subset of non-volatile memory blocks to operate in a single-level mode, creating a pseudo single-level cache, storing data related to memory operations in these blocks, and transferring the data to another subset of memory blocks.

  • Selectively configuring non-volatile memory blocks
  • Creating a pseudo single-level cache
  • Storing data related to memory operations
  • Migrating data to a different subset of memory blocks

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various computing systems where efficient memory management is crucial, such as servers, data centers, and high-performance computing environments.

Problems Solved

This method addresses the challenge of optimizing memory performance by efficiently managing data storage and retrieval in non-volatile memory blocks.


The benefits of this technology include improved memory performance, enhanced data access speeds, and more efficient utilization of non-volatile memory resources.

Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include server optimization, data center management, and performance enhancement in high-speed computing systems.

Prior Art

There is ongoing research in the field of memory management and cache optimization, with various approaches being explored to improve memory performance in computing systems.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are continuously exploring new methods and techniques to enhance memory performance and optimize data storage in non-volatile memory blocks.

Questions about Memory Management

Question 1

How does this method improve memory performance in computing systems?

This method enhances memory performance by efficiently managing data storage and retrieval in non-volatile memory blocks, creating a pseudo single-level cache for faster access to critical data.

Question 2

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond computing systems?

This technology could also be applied in embedded systems, IoT devices, and other electronic devices that require efficient memory management for optimal performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

A method includes selectively configuring a first subset of non-volatile memory blocks to operate in a single-level mode, configuring the first subset of non-volatile memory blocks to collectively operate as a pseudo single-level cache, writing data associated with performance of a memory operation to the first subset of non-volatile memory blocks, and migrating the data from the first subset of non-volatile memory blocks to a second subset of non-volatile memory blocks.