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Yasuo Naramatsu of MATSUMOTO-SHI (JP)

Hashiru Chino of MATSUMOTO-SHI (JP)

Yohei Shibata of SHIOJIRI-SHI (JP)

LIQUID EJECTING DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18544821 titled 'LIQUID EJECTING DEVICE

The liquid ejecting device described in the patent application includes several key components:

  • Transport unit: Moves a medium in a specific direction while holding it between two rollers.
  • Ejecting unit: Dispenses liquid onto the medium after it has been transported.
  • Receiving groove portion: Positioned to receive the liquid ejected onto the medium.
  • Guide portion: Helps direct the medium after the liquid has been applied.
  • Support portion: Supports the medium before it reaches the receiving groove.

Potential Applications: - Printing industry for precise liquid application on various materials. - Manufacturing sector for adding coatings or adhesives to products. - Medical field for precise dispensing of liquids in diagnostic tests.

Problems Solved: - Ensures accurate and consistent liquid application on a moving medium. - Prevents spills or uneven distribution of liquid on the medium. - Facilitates efficient and controlled liquid ejection process.

Benefits: - Improved quality and precision in liquid application processes. - Increased productivity due to automated liquid ejection system. - Reduces waste and errors in liquid dispensing operations.

Commercial Applications: Title: Precision Liquid Ejecting System for Industrial Use This technology can be utilized in industries such as printing, manufacturing, and healthcare for precise and efficient liquid application processes. The market implications include improved product quality, increased production efficiency, and cost savings due to reduced waste.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the liquid ejecting device ensure accurate liquid application on the medium? - The device uses rollers to transport the medium and guide portions to direct the medium after liquid application, ensuring precise placement of the liquid. 2. What are the potential benefits of using this liquid ejecting device in the medical field? - The device can be used for precise dispensing of liquids in diagnostic tests, leading to more accurate results and improved efficiency in healthcare settings.

Original Abstract Submitted

A liquid ejecting device includes a transport unit, an ejecting unit, a receiving groove portion, a guide portion, and a support portion. The transport unit transports a medium in a transport direction while nipping the medium by a first roller and a second roller capable of pressing the medium toward the first roller. The ejecting unit ejects a liquid onto the medium at a position downstream of the transport unit in the transport direction. The receiving groove portion faces the ejecting unit in a height direction intersecting the transport direction. The guide portion guides the medium at a position downstream of the ejecting unit in the transport direction. The support portion is provided so as to be able to support the medium at a position upstream of the receiving groove portion and downstream of the transport unit in the transport direction.