18433661. DATA MOVEMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEM simplified abstract (Capital One Services, LLC)

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Organization Name

Capital One Services, LLC


Christian Bartram of Orlando FL (US)

DATA MOVEMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18433661 titled 'DATA MOVEMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application abstract describes a data movement and monitoring system that calculates job deadlines, detects delays, updates status tables, and provides notifications for delayed jobs.

  • The system determines move time and run time for data movement jobs.
  • It calculates job deadlines and detects delays based on the absence of data in status tables.
  • It updates status tables to indicate delayed jobs and notifies relevant accounts.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as data management, IT systems, and project management where monitoring and tracking of data movement jobs are essential.

Problems Solved

1. Efficient monitoring of data movement jobs. 2. Timely detection and notification of job delays.


1. Improved workflow efficiency. 2. Enhanced data management. 3. Timely resolution of job delays.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing data transfer processes in cloud computing systems for improved performance and reliability.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be traditional data movement systems that lack automated monitoring and notification features.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle job prioritization?

The abstract does not mention how the system prioritizes different data movement jobs based on their deadlines or importance.

What security measures are in place to protect the data being moved?

The abstract does not provide information on the security protocols or encryption methods used to secure the data during the movement process.

Original Abstract Submitted

Disclosed herein are various embodiments for a data movement and monitoring system. A variety of embodiments operate by determining a move time and a run time associated with a job configured to move a set of data from a table of a first system to one or more tables of a second system. A job deadline is calculated, and it is determined that a job is delayed based on the job deadline being prior to the current time and an absence of the set of data from a status table that indicates which data has been moved from the first system to the second system. A record in the status table is updated to indicate the job is delayed, and a notification that the job is delayed is provided to the one or more accounts.