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Organization Name



Qingchun He of Shenzhen (CN)

Xingqing Cheng of Beijing (CN)

Lei Gao of Beijing (CN)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18417310 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method and apparatus for reducing power consumption in a device by intelligently stopping the reception of multicast frames within a preset time period.

  • First device receives a multicast frame with information from a second device through a multicast physical channel.
  • If the information indicates that it is the last multicast frame within a preset time period, the first device stops receiving multicast frames.
  • This method helps in reducing power consumption of the first device.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various communication devices to optimize power consumption and improve efficiency.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the issue of unnecessary power consumption in devices that receive multicast frames continuously.


The main benefit of this technology is the reduction in power consumption, leading to longer battery life and improved overall device performance.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology can be beneficial for manufacturers of communication devices looking to enhance the energy efficiency of their products.

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to power-saving techniques in communication devices, but specific examples are not provided in this context.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact the overall performance of the device?

The technology aims to improve power consumption, but it is important to understand if there are any trade-offs in terms of performance.

Are there any limitations to the preset time period for stopping multicast frame reception?

It would be essential to know if there are any constraints or drawbacks associated with the preset time period for stopping multicast frame reception.

Original Abstract Submitted

This application discloses a communication method and apparatus. A first device receives, through a multicast physical channel, a first multicast frame sent by a second device, where the first multicast frame includes first information; and when the first information indicates that the first multicast frame is the last multicast frame sent by the second device within a preset time period, the first device stops receiving multicast frames through the multicast physical channel within the preset time period. This can reduce power consumption of the first device.