18401019. Polar Code Segment Encoding Method and Communication Device simplified abstract (HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.)

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Polar Code Segment Encoding Method and Communication Device

Organization Name



Shengchen Dai of Hangzhou (CN)

Jiajie Tong of Hangzhou (CN)

Zhan Yu of Singapore (SG)

Kai Fu of Singapore (SG)

Rong Li of Boulogne Billancourt (FR)

Jun Wang of Hangzhou (CN)

Polar Code Segment Encoding Method and Communication Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18401019 titled 'Polar Code Segment Encoding Method and Communication Device

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for segmenting information bits for encoding using polar codes.

  • Segmentation of information bits into different types of segments is performed.
  • The segments correspond to different segment code lengths.
  • The quantity of each segment type is determined based on the length of the information bits and a code rate.
  • Polar code encoding is then applied to the segmented information bits.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Segmentation of information bits into different types of segments based on segment code lengths.
  • Determination of segment quantities based on the length of the information bits and a code rate.
  • Polar code encoding applied to the segmented information bits.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in various communication systems, error correction coding, and data transmission applications.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient segmentation of information bits for encoding.
  • Improved error correction capabilities in communication systems.


  • Enhanced data transmission reliability.
  • Optimal allocation of segment types for encoding.

Commercial Applications

  • This technology can be utilized in telecommunications, satellite communication, and data storage industries for improving data transmission efficiency and reliability.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted on previous methods of segmenting information bits for encoding and error correction coding techniques.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in polar code encoding and error correction coding methods for communication systems.

Questions about Polar Code Encoding

What are the key benefits of using polar codes for error correction?

Polar codes offer capacity-achieving performance and are efficient for error correction in communication systems.

How does the segmentation process impact the overall encoding efficiency in polar code encoding?

Segmentation helps optimize the encoding process by allocating different types of segments based on code lengths and information bit length.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, devices, and computer-readable storage media are disclosed. In an example method, segmentation of to-be-encoded information bits of a length N into respective quantities of different types of segments is performed. The different types of segments are among (b−a+1) types of segments that correspond to (b−a+1) different segment code lengths. The (b−a+1) types of segments comprise a minimum-length segment that has the minimum segment code length of 2{circumflex over ( )}and a maximum-length segment that has the maximum segment code length of 2{circumflex over ( )}. The respective quantities of the different types of segments are determined based on the length N and a code rate in an orderly manner, wherein the orderly manner comprises firstly determining a quantity of the maximum-length segments and lastly determining a quantity of the minimum-length segments. Polar code encoding is performed on the respective quantities of the different types of segments of the to-be-encoded information bits.