17759042. EMBEDDED RESOURCE LAYOUT simplified abstract (RAKUTEN MOBILE, INC.)

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Kuldeep Solanki of Madhya Pradesh (IN)

Pankaj Mukati of Madhya Pradesh (IN)

Satyam Shrivastav of Madhya Pradesh (IN)

Ankush Tiwari of Madhya Pradesh (IN)

EMBEDDED RESOURCE LAYOUT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17759042 titled 'EMBEDDED RESOURCE LAYOUT

The abstract of the patent application describes a method for displaying a graphical interface according to appearance specifications and resource values embedded in a resource layout document.

  • Simplified Explanation: The patent application outlines a process for rendering graphical interfaces based on appearance specifications and embedding resource values from a resource layout document.
  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Rendering graphical interfaces based on appearance specifications - Embedding and retrieving resource values from a resource layout document - Arranging resource values in the graphical interface according to positioning specifications

  • Potential Applications:

- Customized user interfaces in software applications - Dynamic layout adjustments based on resource values - Enhanced user experience in graphical interfaces

  • Problems Solved:

- Efficient management of resource values in graphical interfaces - Streamlined rendering process for customized layouts - Improved user interaction with graphical interfaces

  • Benefits:

- Enhanced visual appeal of graphical interfaces - Tailored user experiences based on resource values - Simplified design process for developers

  • Commercial Applications:

"Dynamic Resource Layout Rendering Technology for Customized User Interfaces"

  • Frequently Updated Research:

Stay updated on advancements in graphical interface design and resource management techniques.

Questions about Embedded Resource Layouts: 1. How does the method described in the patent application improve user interaction with graphical interfaces? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology for software development and user experience design?

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Original Abstract Submitted

Embedded resource layouts are presented by rendering an interface document to cause a graphical interface to be displayed in accordance with appearance specifications for the graphical interface in the interface document, embedding, into the interface document in response to rendering the interface document, a resource layout document corresponding to a reference in the interface document and a user identity, retrieving, through a network in response to embedding the resource layout document, a plurality of resource values, each resource value among the plurality of resource values corresponding to a resource reference in the resource layout document, and arranging the plurality of resource values in the graphical interface in accordance with positioning specifications in the resource layout document.