US Patent Application 18113718. CONTROL DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name



Shinichi Okunishi of Saitama (JP)

Tatsuya Konishi of Saitama (JP)

Keita Akiho of Saitama (JP)

CONTROL DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18113718 Titled 'CONTROL DEVICE'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes a control device for a vehicle that uses a sensor to detect objects in the vehicle's surroundings. The device includes a processor that analyzes the sensor's output to identify specific objects. It can recognize a first specific object in a wider region around the vehicle and a second specific object in a narrower region when the first object is present.

Original Abstract Submitted

A control device that performs travel control of a vehicle, the control device includes a processor configured to acquire output information of a sensor configured to detect an object in the around of the vehicle based on a reflected wave from the object. The processor is configured to: acquire first detection point group data of the object in a first region in the around of the vehicle based on the output information of the sensor, and recognize a first specific object present in the around of the vehicle based on the first detection point group data: and recognize a second specific object present in the around of the vehicle based on the first detection point group data in a second region that is narrower than the first region in the around of the vehicle when recognizing the presence of the first specific object.