Samsung display co., ltd. (20240324387). DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Seokgyu Yoon of Yongin-si (KR)

Soungwook Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

Hwasook Ryu of Yongin-si (KR)

Hyejin Jung of Yongin-si (KR)

Kunwook Cho of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240324387 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS

The display apparatus described in the patent application includes a substrate with an emission area and a sensing area, light-emitting devices overlapping the emission area, and light-receiving devices overlapping the sensing area. Each light-emitting device has a pixel electrode, emission layer, and opposite electrode, while each light-receiving device has a sensing electrode, active layer, and opposite electrode. At least one sensing electrode has a different structure from the pixel electrode and includes a transparent conductive layer.

  • The display apparatus features light-emitting and light-receiving devices on a substrate, enhancing functionality.
  • The unique structure of the sensing electrodes improves sensing capabilities in the display.
  • The transparent conductive layer in the sensing electrodes allows for efficient light reception.
  • The overlap of light-emitting and light-receiving devices optimizes display performance.
  • Overall, the innovation in this display apparatus enhances display quality and functionality.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various display devices such as smartphones, tablets, and monitors. It can also be used in interactive displays for public information systems, kiosks, and digital signage.

Problems Solved: Enhanced sensing capabilities improve touch responsiveness and accuracy in displays. The unique structure of the sensing electrodes allows for more efficient light reception, improving overall display performance.

Benefits: Improved display quality and functionality. Enhanced touch responsiveness and accuracy. Efficient light reception for better performance.

Commercial Applications: This technology can be utilized in consumer electronics, public information systems, and digital signage, enhancing user experience and display performance.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the unique structure of the sensing electrodes improve display performance? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this display technology?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in display technology, particularly in the integration of light-emitting and light-receiving devices for improved functionality and performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display apparatus includes a substrate including an emission area and a sensing area, a plurality of light-emitting devices disposed on the substrate and overlapping the emission area, and a plurality of light-receiving devices disposed on the substrate and overlapping the sensing area. each of the plurality of light-emitting devices includes a pixel electrode, an emission layer disposed on the pixel electrode, and an opposite electrode disposed on the emission layer. each of the plurality of light-receiving devices includes a sensing electrode, an active layer disposed on the sensing electrode, and an opposite electrode disposed on the active layer. at least one of the plurality of sensing electrodes has a structure that is different from a stacked structure of the pixel electrode, and the sensing electrode includes a transparent conductive layer.