Apple inc. (20240235941). Network Slice Quota Management Enhancements simplified abstract

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Network Slice Quota Management Enhancements

Organization Name

apple inc.


Vijay Venkataraman of San Jose CA (US)

Alosious Pradeep Prabhakar of Singapore (SG)

Krisztian Kiss of Rancho Santa Fe CA (US)

Rohit R. Matolia of Bangalore (IN)

Network Slice Quota Management Enhancements - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240235941 titled 'Network Slice Quota Management Enhancements

Simplified Explanation:

The network function described in the patent application enforces network slice quotas by identifying and updating quotas for specific network slice selection assistance information (S-NSSAI).

  • The network function determines quotas for different types of network activities within a network slice, such as 5G packet data unit (PDU) sessions and interworking handovers between 5G core and evolved packet core (EPC).
  • It receives requests to update these quotas and adjusts them accordingly based on the request.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Identification and enforcement of network slice quotas for specific network slice selection assistance information (S-NSSAI).
  • Differentiation of quotas for various network activities within a network slice, such as 5G PDU sessions and interworking handovers between 5G core and EPC.
  • Dynamic updating of network slice quotas based on incoming requests.

Potential Applications:

  • Network management and optimization in 5G and beyond networks.
  • Resource allocation and prioritization in network slices.
  • Enhanced quality of service for specific network activities.

Problems Solved:

  • Efficient enforcement and management of network slice quotas.
  • Tailored resource allocation for different network activities within a slice.
  • Real-time adjustment of quotas based on network demands.


  • Improved network performance and resource utilization.
  • Enhanced user experience through optimized network slice management.
  • Increased flexibility and adaptability in network resource allocation.

Commercial Applications:

  • Telecommunications companies for network optimization and management.
  • IoT providers for efficient resource allocation in IoT networks.
  • Cloud service providers for enhanced quality of service in cloud networks.

Questions about Network Slice Quotas:

1. How does the network function differentiate between quotas for different network activities within a network slice? 2. What are the potential implications of dynamic quota adjustments based on incoming requests?

Original Abstract Submitted

a network function is responsible for enforcing network slice quotas. the network function identifies a network slice quota for a single network slice selection assistance information (s-nssai), determines that the network slice quota for the s-nssai includes a first quota corresponding to fifth generation (5g) packet data unit (pdu) sessions and a second quota corresponding to interworking handovers between a fifth generation core (5gc and an evolved packet core (epc), receives a request to update the network slice quota and updates the network slice quota for the s-nssai based on the request.