18548386. COMPONENT simplified abstract (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


Yuuki Tanaka of Fuji-shi, Shizuoka (JP)

Yutaka Okumura of Numazu-shi, Shizuoka (JP)

Yusuke Suzuki of Iwata-shi, Shizuoka (JP)

Yojiro Mochizuki of Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka (JP)

COMPONENT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18548386 titled 'COMPONENT

The patent application describes a component with a first case portion and a second case portion facing each other, with a tunnel portion and a catch tank portion respectively.

  • The opening area of the tunnel portion on the second case portion side is larger than on the opposite side.
  • The tunnel portion is inclined downward from the second case portion side to the opposite side.
  • The second case portion side of the tunnel portion is inclined downward toward the catch tank portion.

Potential Applications: - This component could be used in fluid management systems in various industries. - It may find applications in automotive fuel systems or hydraulic systems.

Problems Solved: - Provides efficient fluid flow management. - Prevents spillage or leakage of fluids.

Benefits: - Improved fluid control and management. - Enhanced safety and reliability in fluid systems.

Commercial Applications: - Fluid control valves for industrial machinery. - Fuel system components for vehicles.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the design of the component improve fluid flow management?

  - The design allows for better control and direction of fluid flow, reducing the risk of spillage or leakage.

2. What industries could benefit most from this innovative component?

  - Industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and agriculture could benefit from the improved fluid management capabilities of this component.

Original Abstract Submitted

A component comprising: a first case portion having a tunnel portion having an opening end opening toward an axial direction; and a second case portion having a catch tank portion opening upward, wherein the first case portion and the second case portion face each other such that a bottom portion of the tunnel portion and a bottom portion of the catch tank portion are coupled to each other, an opening area of the opening end of the tunnel portion on the second case portion side is larger than an opening area of the opening end of the tunnel portion on a side opposite to the second case portion side, the tunnel portion as a whole is inclined downward from the second case portion side of the tunnel portion to the side opposite to the second case portion side of the tunnel portion, and the second case portion side of the tunnel portion is inclined downward toward the catch tank portion.