Samsung display co., ltd. (20240161676). DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF DRIVING THE SAME simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Jung Hwan Hwang of SEONGNAM-SI (KR)

Hyun Joon Kim of HWASEONG-SI (KR)

Kye Uk Lee of SEOUL (KR)

Jun Ki Jeong of YONGIN-SI (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF DRIVING THE SAME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240161676 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF DRIVING THE SAME

Simplified Explanation

The display device described in the patent application includes sub-pixels connected to data lines receiving PAM and PWM data voltages. Each sub-pixel consists of a light emitting element, three pixel drivers (one for control current, one for driving current, and one for adjusting the driving current period), and a node to adjust the driving current based on the voltage.

  • The sub-pixel emits light based on PAM and PWM data voltages.
  • The driving current peak value varies based on the gray level region of the emitted light.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in:

  • High-resolution displays
  • Energy-efficient screens

Problems Solved

This technology addresses issues related to:

  • Power consumption in display devices
  • Display quality in different gray level regions


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Enhanced display performance

Potential Commercial Applications

A potential commercial application for this technology could be in:

  • Smartphones and tablets

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be:

  • OLED display technologies

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing display technologies in terms of energy efficiency?

This article does not provide a direct comparison with existing display technologies in terms of energy efficiency.

What are the potential limitations of implementing this technology in mass-produced devices?

This article does not discuss the potential limitations of implementing this technology in mass-produced devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display device includes pam data lines receiving pam and pwm data voltages, and sub-pixels connected to the pam and pwm data lines. a sub-pixel includes a light emitting element, a first pixel driver to supply a control current according to one of the pam data voltages to a node, a second pixel driver to generate a driving current according to one of the pwm data voltages, and a third pixel driver to adjust a period during which the driving current is supplied to the light emitting element according to a voltage of the node. a peak current value of the driving current when the sub-pixel emits a light corresponding to a low gray level region is smaller than a peak current value of the driving current when the sub-pixel emits a light corresponding to a high gray level region higher than the low gray level region.