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MASAKI Fujioka of Chiba (JP)

COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND CONTROL METHOD THEREOF - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18461594 titled 'COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND CONTROL METHOD THEREOF

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a communication device that can connect to an external device using two different connection methods and determine whether to display a screen for using the external device on a display device based on the connection method used and whether the external device is newly connected or reconnected.

  • The communication device can connect to an external device using a first connection method and a second connection method.
  • It can automatically display a screen for using the external device on a display device based on the connection method used and whether the external device is newly connected or reconnected.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in:

  • Smartphones and tablets connecting to external displays or projectors.
  • Laptops connecting to multiple external devices such as monitors or printers.

Problems Solved

This technology solves:

  • Confusion over which device to display content on when multiple devices are connected.
  • Streamlining the user experience by automatically displaying the appropriate screen.


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Improved user experience by simplifying the process of using external devices.
  • Increased efficiency by automatically displaying the relevant screen without user intervention.

Potential Commercial Applications

A potential commercial application for this technology could be:

  • Integration into smart home devices to easily connect and display content on various screens throughout the home.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be:

  • Devices that automatically switch display output based on the connection method used.

Unanswered Questions

How does the communication device determine whether the external device is newly connected or reconnected?

The communication device likely uses a detection mechanism to identify if the external device has been previously connected or if it is a new connection.

Can the user override the automatic display of the screen for using the external device?

It is unclear from the abstract whether the user has the option to manually control the display of the screen for using the external device.

Original Abstract Submitted

A communication device that communicates with an external device using a first connection method and a second connection method is disclosed. The communication device, when a connection is established with an external device, determines whether to automatically display a screen for using the external device from the communication device on a display device, based on (i) a connection method used to connect to the external device and/or (ii) whether the external device is newly connected or reconnected.