US Patent Application 18248154. CONTROLLER AND CONTROL METHOD simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Robert Bosch GmbH


Yoshitsuna Onishi of Kanagawa (JP)

Yoshihide Igari of Kanagawa (JP)

CONTROLLER AND CONTROL METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18248154 titled 'CONTROLLER AND CONTROL METHOD

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a controller and control method for enhancing the safety of a lean vehicle.

  • The invention aims to improve the safety of lean vehicles.
  • The controller and control method are designed to address safety concerns.
  • The innovation focuses on appropriately improving the safety of lean vehicles.
  • The patent application provides a solution for enhancing the safety of lean vehicles.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present disclosure obtains a controller and a control method capable of appropriately improving safety of a lean vehicle.